Rooms in the ground floor of Ca’ Pesaro host the central part of the exhibition ideated by the Venetian artist Marco Nereo Rotelli for his city, conceived as a “concept-city” for its big poets who loved Venice.
Some big installations – linked alltogether in an unicum even if placed in the entrance, in other rooms and in the courtyard – suggest new relations among works of art, architecture and visitors, in a tangle of emotions, knowledge and culture.
From works made by old doors taken by the artist alla around the world, on which he has painted famous contemporary poets – as Andrea Zanzotto, Mario Luzi, Adonis, Yang Lian -, to big steel scupltures.
Fluendo verso is an event taking place all around the city, with poetic readings, installations and performancesin suggestive venues: from Caffè Florian to Ca’ Vendramin Calergi, from the Peggy Guggenheim Collection to the Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana.
Exhibition and catalogue, edited by Venezia News, curated by Annamaria Orsini, with texts by Adonis, Massimo Cacciari, Gillo Dorfles, Mario Luzi, Fernanda Pivano, Andrea Zanzotto and Emilio Vedova.
The exhibition is produced by Venezia News.